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AdrenaLinn and MIDI clock

I kind of came to the conclusion that I'd have to get an alternate clock 

It also seems to be the only way to keep the tempo the same when 
recording loops (in user mode the tempo is adjusted to what Repeater 
'thinks' you want if you close the loop a few milliseconds early...well, 
not if the metronome is on, but there's no way to make it go only to the 

This is super important when using MoFX.

So...any comments on the AdrenaLinn?

I looked at the web site when it first came out and wasn't too impressed 
by the Quicktime demo...the presets sounded very 'guitar center'...(but 
then again, so did my Pod presets until I mangled them).

Stable clock?
Does it send start/stop commands to control transport?

How has it worked live...anything to be concerned about?


On Monday, July 15, 2002, at 12:24 AM, Mark Sottilaro wrote:

> It's not the unstable midi clock.  Most midi clocks have a bit of 
> jitter.  There's something weird going on at the beginning of the 
> loop.  Sucks.  Maybe it will be fixed in the 1.2 OS... Oh yeah, I 
> forgot, there won't be one.  Do you're self a favor and use a different 
> device for your midi clock.  (I used the output of the AdrenaLinn this 
> weekend in Santa Cruz... that is until the cable fell out during the 
> performance, and then it just got "loose"
> Never heard the click you're describing.  Are you sure your gain 
> structure is good?
> Mark Sottilaro
> On Sunday, July 14, 2002, at 10:19  AM, Skip wrote: