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Re: Interesting Loss of EDP Front Panel Functionality with Loop IV

gary you essplaned this to me very well in santa cruz and altho' i dont be
understandin much about it,hopefully you will get some answers right soon!
and just a note to say what a great set you had (never thought i'd sing
along to a loopster!) and w/ all the other loopers-i felt almost 
by all the talent, energy and tolerance('specially for my set :-)
those two days were edjamacational and entertaining and infotaining-
thanx rick,kim et al

> Here's an interesting thing--with LoopIII I was using multiply and 
>insert to
> create a 12 bar blues pattern--I make reference to the specific sequence 
> button presses in a post from late 2000:
> The song I am constructing is a blues.  I play a figure for the first
> phrase, the "I" chord, which is two bars in length.  I allow it to play 
> additional time (a vamp).  I hit multiply, and the "song" begins.
> After the second cycle begins and bar 3 or 4 of the "song" is playing, I 
> insert and when bar 5 begins, I am in insert mode and I play a "IV" chord
> figure for two bars which is a bluesy IV figure vague enough to pass for
> either an IV or a I7#9 (trust me).  Around bar 6 or so I hit multiply 
> and when bar 7 arrives, I am treated to two bars of "I",  the original
> cycle.  I allow this to continue through bar 8--I press insert during 
>bar 8,
> and when bar 9 arrives, I play the "V" chord for two bars, pressing 
> during bar 10.  When bar 10 arrives, it delivers THE SECOND CYCLE! and
> during bar 12 I hit multiply.
> Are you with me?  At this point I start adding cycles every other time as
> before--insert, multiply--but when I press multiply, it delivers THE 
> And here's some more from another post:
> Let's alter the chord progression.  We start with the same figure for the
> first phrase, the "I"
> chord, which is one bar in length.  I allow it to play one additional 
> (now playing bar 2).  I hit multiply, and the "song" begins.  After the
> second cycle begins and bar 2 of the "song" is playing, I hit insert and
> when bar 3 begins, I am in insert mode and I play the "IV" chord for two
> bars.  Around bar 4 or so I hit multiply again and when bar 5 arrives, I 
> treated to two bars of "I", as created by the original multiply.  During 
> 6, I hit insert and play the "V" chord for two bars (bars 7 and 8).  
> bar 8 I hit multiply.  When bar 9 arrives, I expect two bars of the "I"
> chord.  Instead I am jarred by one bar of "I" and one bar of "IV".  What
> gives?  Or to put it more clearly--with which cycle does the multiply 
> BTW the second progression corresponds to the harmonic progression for 
> That Cabbage Down" or it would if I could get that far  :=(
> In later posts the discussion develops--I cannot access all the posts as 
> Net seems to be sluggish tonight--and I was able to get the results I 
> (2 bars of the tonic) by multiplying the first cycle out to four bars for
> the first figure.  But here's the deal:
> This sequence of front panel button presses no longer produces the same
> results in Loop IV!  Doesn't look like you can follow insert with 
> to get another cycle of the original recording (I know, I've lost 
> now . . .)
> I discovered this when rehearsing my act for the Santa Cruz show--where I
> DID in fact play the "Boil
> That Cabbage Down" thing, but let myself get caught in the lobster 
> was I nervous--
> Gary