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RE: Loop approach: Loop as effect

At 10:53 AM 7/24/2002, Gary Lehmann wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>Kim Flint wrote:
>(musical instrument = device physically and interactively
>manipulated in order to perform music; sound effect = device that 
>and non-interactively processes sound according to some set rules.)
>The same way some folks "play" effects,

If they are playing the thing, I would call it an instrument. Maybe for 
somebody else it would be an effect.

>others allow an "instrument" to
>dictate what they play.

The instrument might dictate what they play, but they are still playing it 
to create music so for me it remains an instrument. It's more about the 
intent of the use, not the skill.

>Maybe the definitions change depending on the user and the situation?

I don't think the definitions change so much as, depending on user and 
situation, a given thing might go under different categories.

For example, Rick Walker picks up a cheap plastic garbage can and 
transforms it into an amazing percussion instrument with which he creates 
music. If I pick up the same garbage can, it remains a garbage can.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com