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Re: repeater ques.

answering billy buddha, sine@zerocrossing.net writes:

>There was an upgrade.  The software went from vs. 1 to vs. 1.1.  However,
>you don't have to send the Repeater anywhere.  It would have been FAR
>cheaper for Electrix to just send the new OS on a CFC to the music shop,
>and have them install it.  It's a process that takes about 5 minutes.

but, some units within the first batch that left electrix had a bad 
thingamajiggy --- something to do w/the digital outputs frying --- that 
not allow the firmware to accept the 1.1 sw upgrade without being returned 
electrix for 'upgrading'.
i know this, definitively:
i had a few of them beasties; in fact, there's still one here.

>My guess is the shop is lying. 
see above.
dt / splattercell