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Repeater clock out.

Right.  It does make the Repeater awkward to work with in that respect.  
Frankly, when you saw me at Loopfest, I was taking clock from the 
AdrenaLinn.  How the hell could they let a product out the door that 
didn't even work with other products from the same company?  Stupid.  
Then they get all snippy with me when I criticize them.  Again I ask the 
question: How could they let a product out the door with an issue as 
deep as this?  The mind boggles.  Didn't anyone at Electrix hook this 
thing to a MoFX?  The only reason I never said anything was because I'm 
always using another clock and I figured this issue was being dealt with 
in OS 1.2.  Oh well.

Mark Sottilaro

On Saturday, July 27, 2002, at 07:53  PM, Mark Hamburg wrote:

> Thanks, Mark.
> That does confirm that the setup I was contemplating wouldn't be viable.
> What I had wanted to do was feed the Handsonic into a Repeater and put 
> my
> Mo-FX in the Repeater's effects loop. The stereo, effects loop, and
> multitrack features seemed pretty useful in that context -- more so than
> when doing guitar looping where the EDP is working well for me. However,
> since my goal would be to have it determine tempo to feed the Mo-FX 
> from the
> recorded loop length, that just doesn't seem like an option. Pity -- 
> though
> it saves me the trouble of looking for a Repeater.
> I could record the initial loop into an EDP and then dump that to the
> Repeater, but if I'm going to do that, I might just as well do it all 
> on the
> EDP.
> Mark