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Spokesmodel; velocity sensitive controller; and Echo Lake on Catalina

Hi there--

Hooray for Andre and his efforts; I continue to wish him the best and look
forward to hearing more from him.
I think SOMEBODY(i.e., Gibson) should bankroll an attractive (female is
better; male is OK), young (lets me out) and (hopefully) talented looper to
make a big splash with the Echoplex Digital Delay.  I think we ALL know 
money makes the entertainment world go round; if they want to create a
demand for the incredible power of the EDP, they might need to help some of
their potential stars ascend.  Independent radio programmer, anyone?
I won't begin to suggest who this star might be; perhaps they could (or 
already begun to) seek out those who employ the EDP in their live acts, so
as to arrange their success.
I have been gone for the weekend to Catalina, an island off the coast of 
Angeles, California and so missed not only Andre's workshops and
performances but also a few interesting threads.  While on the island I 
a tour and spied (from a distance) a volcanic crater named Echo Lake.  The
bus driver made mention of digital delays in his reference to the dried up
lake, so at the next stop I proudly showed him my LD T-shirt (hey I
advertise all the time!) and gave him the Web address.  Turns out he's a
musician, a bass player named Freddie from Phoenix, AZ who has been there
for two years.  He asked me to tell Cliff that, yes, people do live on
Catalina.  Maybe we could stage a loop fest there <lol>
In reference to Dennis Leas' question about velocity sensitive foot
controllers, I should be receiving a set of PK-5 Roland bass pedals this
week that certainly fit the bill.  I don't know if I will use them as he
suggests, but I will check out my options--my idea is just to be able to
generate a fuller sound for looping, especially with regard to the one man
band approach I displayed in Santa Cruz.  BTW, it's not that I only try to
do songs with the looper--it's great fun to jam--I just wanted to present 
professional a show as I could that would show the ability of the EDP to
augment the one person band.  And I really wanna see the animal part come
out of the machine--that's what will sell this firecracker!
All for now, good to be back--and who besides (possibly) Ted wants to come
to San Diego for a (potentially non-paying) Looper's presentation?  I'll go
as far as LA . . . and sorry, can't put anybody up :(