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Re: Feedback Pedal

At 05:06 PM 9/16/2002, dp wrote:

andre wrote:
><<My guess (and only a guess, I hasten to add) would be: there's no
>parameter available for assigning Input volume (crucial to Input and Flip
>modes, among others) to a MIDI CC number, as there is for Feedback and
>Output volume...>>

that is correct. the input volume to the loop happens to be only an analog 
control, although the control routing can be configured from the digital 
side. That's how the hardware was designed long ago when we only used this 
for delay mode and figured the analog control gave better volume swells 
then the zippery digital control.

In LoopIV we came up with these nifty ideas for how the front panel 
feedback knob and the rear feedback pedal control could be routed in 
different ways. These resulted in the cool InterfaceModes. In some cases 
you could duplicate them with clever midi programming. But unfortunately 
cases where input volume to the loop is controlled, you cannot.

Midi control is independent of interface mode. A midi cc for feedback will 
always control feedback the same way.

>ya, but check out replaceMode.  the external pedal controls both output
>volume and feedback.  i tried to do this via midi by setting the 
>and FeedBkCont to the same cc value, but i couldn't get it to work.  maybe
>i'm doing something wrong.  maybe i'm asking for too much.

Set them to two different cc numbers, and then have your expression pedal 
send both cc's. That will let you do the same thing ReplaceMode does.

It doesn't work to set FeedBkCont and VolumeCont parameters on the 
to the same value. The incoming cc will only be applied to one, and for 
Echoplex feedback will override loop volume.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com