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Re: dancing loops

Goddess said:

>Matthias, excellent post!

thank you!

>  -I like contact improv, but on the dancers' side of it.

hmm... I suspected...

>I've not played for one, but have thought for some time of
>incorporating it into my own live performance, in the form of interpretive
>dance and such, but being teathered to guitar, mic, controllers and such 
>not real conducive to it.   ICK!!!  lol!

I dont understand ICK...
Right, you can put the guitar down and dance to your loop! Especially 
interesting if you dont play alone, so another musician can play with 
your dancing...

It seems to me that contact improv is rather a set of roules and 
exercises to make people aware than a style to be shown on stage. 
Someone who went through such school can just improvise free, no?

>   In your case, have you thought possibly of giving the dancers 
>thingies and sampling them as they move?   It might be nice to loop what
>comes out of that.  I like moving in rhythm with noisy bracelets or bells
>or such.   It's a lot of fun, and can be quite musical.

good idea!
they do participate with stepping, clapping, even singing sometimes, 
but I did not think of looping that. But: how would you do it without 
creating feed back?

          ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org