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Re: Is there a moderator here?

Mark i agree with you man

> On Sunday, November 17, 2002, at 04:26 AM, Kim Flint
> wrote:
> > "Is there a moderator here?"
> >
> > no there is not, and there never will be.
> >
> > It's up to the list as a community to sort out its
> problems. Sometimes 
> > that will be a challenge. But if you all can't
> manage to deal with a 
> > silly little issue like this, how do you manage to
> get through each day 
> > of your life?
> >
> > kim
> >
> The key thing here seems to be the concept of this
> list as a 
> "self-policing" community. This works as long as the
> community shares 
> some key values about appropriate actions and
> behaviors. There can be a 
> wide range of latitude in this range, but still
> enough consistency so 
> the "community" works and thrives.
> The problem we have is when someone on the list
> falls well outside the 
> range of tolerable behavior. The rest of the list
> has no truly 
> satisfactory method of dealing with the problem.
> I think it's fine we have an unmoderated list, This
> allows wide range of 
> topics and opinions to be presented on LD.  But when
> we find a situation 
> where someone's broadcasting continual "white
> noise", this is a problem.
> I wouldn't view removing input like this
> "moderating", I'd view it as an 
> unfortunate exception to be dealt with.
> Mark


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