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BASS-LOOP eXtravaGanza

Hi All--

Just want to say hello to everyone on the list-- I joined a few weeks ago--
just in time for the maelstrom of drama. I have to say, it's been kind of
fun following it all-- sort of like being in my own reality TV show.

Anyway, I've also been enjoying checking out the music of everyone who 
their mp3 and website links, and wanted to share my own as well. Songs are
posted on the Oranje website at  www.envelopeproductions.com

I have two bass-oriented projects-- ghost 7 is solo and Oranje is a duo 
a vocalist. There are pieces from both projects on the website-- the solo
bass stuff is on the ghost 7 page, which links from my name-- anyway, 
find it.

All the sounds except drum samples were made on 4-string bass. Everything
except two of the songs was recorded live (see if you can guess which ones
are studio!), straight to 2-track, using a crazy complicated setup of
loopers, volume pedals, a signal router, a tabletop mixer, etc., all of
which I play as part of my live setup.

I'd love to get people's responses to the music.

thanks-- look forward to hearing from you.
