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Re: Oswald's White Xmas, was:Les Paul

On Saturday, November 23, 2002, at 07:25 PM, Richard Zvonar wrote:
>> Now if we can just get the Bing Crosby replacement voice technology 
>> into Loop V: )
> Slightly OT, but have you heard John Oswald's Plunderphonic version of 
> Crosby's "White Christmas"?

This falls into the category of things I've wanted to hear for a long 
time and never quite got around to.

I used to do a lot of illustration for Mondo 2000 and first heard of 
John Oswald & Plunderphonics from them. What I never heard was an actual 
description of what he was specifically doing (the process) or what the 
resulting music sounded like. I think the Mondoids were mostly 
enthralled by the idea of subverting commercial music.

Want to try and describe Oswald's 'White Christmas"? I'd enjoy hearing 
about it...

