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Re: Looper Construction Kit website open!

On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 12:25 AM, Dennis Leas wrote:

> Cool!  What an opportunity!  Best wishes landing the gig!

Thanks. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed, and am waiting for a 
phone call from them. If it all works out, I'll be out there in the new 

> ...and if you make it near Lafayette, Indiana (strategically located 
> between
> Chicago and Indianapolis) I'll be happy to give you an LCK demo!

I'll do my best :) I really want to see this beast in action.

> BTW: I think a fully stuffed Kyma can handle at least 81 simultaneous 
> slave
> loopers (all with seperate level, length, pan, etc.) synced to a master
> looper.  We could loop a small orchestra with each player having their 
> own
> looper, which is tempo locked to the conductor's (or concertmaster's) 
> looper
> as the master time-keeper.

81 slave loopers... You have no idea what you are doing to my brain at 
the moment... The potential.... :=)

Stuart Wyatt (Solo String Project) - http://SoloString.com