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Behringer Re: tones etc. frisell, mixers, and all things loopie

I have the Eurouack  2642  $400,  16 channels in plus extra returns, 
six sends, sounds great.

At 1:28 AM -0800 12/13/02, Louie Angulo wrote:
>Thanks mike
>ill check out the behringers i supposed they¥re
>cheaper as well... but better?
>>  i think they sound great.....BUT.....after a few
>>  months i realized that i
>>  needed more.....if you can get a bigger unit go for
>>  it, next to "random play"
>>  on a cd machine, effect sends and returns are the
>>  greatest invention since
>>  sliced bread.....perhaps a larger "beringher" mixer,
>>  any thoughts on
>>  that?......and all this talk about the best loopers,
>>  my advice, collect all
>>  the loopers you can, the more the loopier.....as for
>>  frisell, i heard my
>>  first on "ghost town" a few months ago and was
>>  totally blown away, this past
>>  weekend i was turned onto "this land" ouch!,  its
>>  very cool to have a "hero"
>>  when you're my age.....his tone, his playing, his
>>  orkestration and most
>>  importantly, his composition, WOW.....michael
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