hi, thought this might be of interest to David Beardsley and anyone else playing
microtonal music and/or fretless guitars. I was at Guitar Center (yuk) the
other day and saw a Godin 12-string classical fretless! The only time I've even
heard of someone playing an instrument like this is Pat Metheny, who used a
custom one on his live record from a year or two ago. It sounds pretty
bizarre...I didn't get to play it, but I was imagining the fun someone could
have who's had experience playing fretless. it's also got a plain finish
fingerboard, unmarked except for the edge; someone with a lot of patience could
construct a whole lot of mictrotonal scales and mark 'em out with chalk or a
grease pencil.
It's obviously begging to be used by people making unusual music...I'd love to
hear someone have some looping fun with it.
Here's the manufacturer's link.
Daryl Shawn
The guitar you're speaking of is a Godin "Glissentar"....It is actually an 11 string nylon fretless guitar. Robert Godin came up with the concept to create a sound similar to an Oud, but tuned, set up and with a feel like a guitar. strings 1-5 (actually 2-10) are pairs of strings tuned in unison.....the 11 th string or bass string is a single string. I believe Godin went this route to avoid buzzing on the bass string. Custom string sets are available for the instrument as well.
As a Godin endorsee, I acquired one of the first from the production line and can tell you it is a fun and unique instrument. I used it on my current CD release "Canciones del alma" (Songs from the Soul) Wannadu by Wayne Wesley Johnson (New! available this week online through CDBaby, CDStreet and Guitar9 at http://wannadu.com) or, ordered direct at the Wannadu, LLC address shown below ) ...I chose to use it on a track to get a somewhat "haunting" sound on a tune I wrote called "Sambaleo".....Played in the lower registers provided a really interesting tonality in the recording.
When the instrument was first released a few years ago.....I used it in a live situation, when I performed in NYC with a "ska" group called "two and a half white guys!" Click here: CD Review - Two and a Half White Guys - Two and a Half White Guys - longislandmusicscene.com The band asked if I would sit in with them on a gig one night, So, I brought it along. Since the band was well equipped with guitarists, I thought it would be interesting to add a different "sound" to the group. It worked out nicely.
It is a nice "tool" to have in the tool box. Could be a powerful addition to a "loopers" arsenal.
Click here: Godin Glissentar
Best Regards,

Wayne Wesley Johnson
Click here: Wannadu Music--Jazz, Flamenco, and Guitar Music and Production

Wannadu, LLC
7 Avenida Vista Grande #-260
Santa Fe, NM 87508
phone: 505.466.8700 fax: 505.466.8702
email: Wjguitar@aol.com or WannaduLLC@aol.com
website: http://wannadu.com