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RE: American Empire as Gated Community

btw, for those who are interested, Eno's article is on a webpage at:

-Michael (thanking Eno for speaking out).

btw are political articles written by our ambient/loop gods off topic here?
maybe, but then it looks like a loop repetition to me that a Bush goes to
war against Hussein again - just like 12 years ago. Back then, I recently
read, about 500,000 civilians were killed. I'm sure that there are one or
two readers of this list here who think it was justified anyway, and would
do it again now - after all, hey, a few thousand Americans were brutally
killed on 9/11, so anything is justified now, why not kill another 500,000
moslems again, just to show them who is in charge on this planet!

Oh my god, I'm starting flame wars again. I'm sorry, really.