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Re: Moving to Europe. (was Re: American Empire as Gated Community)

We all love, we all get hungry, we all have dreams and desires.  There is 
other country like the USA.  The hope the USA offers is to present to us 
a vision of what could be if/when all the people of the world are mixed and
combined into one society.    However, this hope is often derailed by
insular thinking.

I think we need an amendment to the constitution to require all candidates
for President of the USA to have lived at least 24 contiguous months 
the USA.  After all, if you want to be in charge of a nation whose actions
impacts every other culture on the planet, you better understand a bit 
the rest of the planet!

God bless the much misunderstood and often maligned French for consistently
offering an alternative to Anglo-Saxon predicaments that get the USA and UK
backed against a self-created wall of self-righteousness.  When the you're
looking for a western country where education, healthcare and the quality 
life rivals anything found in the world, vive la France!