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Re: Re: American Empire as Gated Community

Perhaps totally OT, let's remember, though, that the internet is still
uncensored and the best communication tool available now, but the level of
propaganda going on, and it is far from being new but only getting worse, 
the media in general could be compared to the level of mercantilism in the
music industry. Mostly fabricated myths.
And /t reaction is illuminating in that sense: the politics of fear do work
in shutting down any possible honest debate because it makes us, people,
want to lock ourselves in and voluntarily shut up. /t, do not worry, there
are far, far more dissident people speaking up and they're not yet shut
down, nor easily prosecuted: they are just denied access to mass mediaŠ
And certainly every artist bears some form of social responsibility, as Mr.
Eno seems to show. So a LD list is not necessarily a bad place to digress a
couple of times, especially when one realizes what is at stakes these daysŠ
How people do not run screaming in the streets, I do not comprehend.
In my view Mr. Eno's article definitely has some virtues, but is far 
compared to what specialists and scholars like Noam Chomsky, Derrick 
John Zerzan, Ward Churchill and many others have been, and still are more
than ever, saying for years.
And yes propaganda is a chatty loop that repeats over and over andŠ never





"To know and not to do is not to know."
Wang Yang Ming

> Subject: Re: American Empire as Gated Community
>> This is one loop it would be great to see us fade and move beyond.
> Very much so.
> And wise people probably don't want to see their anti-government
> remarks on a public mailing list these days... due process and
> the Bill of Rights aren't applicable to the War against Terrorism.
> Please be careful.
>    /t
> -- 
> http://loopNY.com ......................An "open loop": shows every 
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