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Re: Bowling for columbine

While I haven't seen the film - I'm sure I will.  I generally like the 
film style

These films are always politically charged and people's reaction to these 
tend to be more about the issues than the film itself and people want to 
you in one camp or the other - which is sort of lame.

Difficult issues are just that, difficult

Colorado is a funny place (lived there for a number of years) - Paladin 
Press lives alongside IMBA.

I think that people should ride their bikes more than drive.  I also think 
that people should learn to properly sling-support their rilfe, especially 
when shooting off-hand

From: Richard Zvonar <zvonar@zvonar.com>
Reply-To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: Re: Bowling for columbine
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 09:31:15 -0800
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At 10:01 AM +0000 1/23/03, S.P. Goodman wrote:

>  > well recieved
>By his fans, no doubt.  Moore's made a great career as a professional
>asshole with a camera, and not much else.

That was my impression until I actually saw "Roger and ME' (his 
about General Motors and Moore's home town Flint, Michigan).

I say, "Right on, Michael!"

Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202

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