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Re: NEW! Pedalboards/racks Yahoo group

Great idea Tim!
--- Tim Nelson <psychle62@yahoo.com> wrote:
> In an effort to keep the OT bandwidth down a little,
> AND to provide a place for us to post photos of our
> setups, I've created a new Yahoo group called
> 'pedalboards'.
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pedalboards/>
> It's moderator-less; the designated topic is
> intended
> to encompass any manner of electronic sound
> modification device (including but *not* limited to
> loopers); floor-based, rackmount or any combination
> thereof.
> This new list is *not* intended to replace LD, but
> as
> Kim has pointed out, LD is a looping forum, and
> we're
> often deluged with gear-related posts that have
> nothing to do with looping. This group is for that.
> As with LD, posts about religion, politics, etc.
> *are*
> off-topic, and it'll be a "no-flame zone".
> I've already posted some pics of my looping rig, and
> you're invited to do the same. I will, however, ask
> that you keep the file size of any photos you post
> down as small as possible, preferably 72 dpi
> compressed jpegs of LESS THAN 100 KB each, since we
> only have 30 megs to share between all of us, and
> I'd
> like to get photos of as many of our rigs as
> possible
> posted. If you've already got such photos online,
> there's also a 'links' section from which we can see
> yer stuff.
> Again, the site's homepage can be reached at:
> <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pedalboards/> or you
> can subscribe directly at
> pedalboards-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Thanks, and hope to see you there. As if I don't
> already get enough e-mail...
> -t-
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