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Re: slightly ot: the quest for a groovebox

     Mark Sottilaro wrote:
Yesterday I went and listened to an on-line demo of the E-mu Command 
Station and I kind of thought it sounded a little too "generic dance."  
Could have been the demo though, as I don't remember thinking that about 
Jon's sequences when we gigged together.


     Yes, you can make this (or any) groove box sound "generic dance".  
And if that's what the
kids want, then that's how the demo makers will make the demos.  

     Emu has some pretty fantastic sound cards, I've stuffed my Command 
Station full with 4
different sound ROM's.  The real power of the Command Station comes from 
the large variety of
knobs and switches that allow you to tweak things in real time, either 
sequences that you've
pre-made, or real time control of sounds that you are performing live (or 
a combination of the
two).  Since I don't do "generic dance", none of my stuff sounds remotely 
like it.

     BTW, the Proteus 2500 is a command station like the XL-7 and the 
MP-7.  It's just lacking the
keyboard pads and touchstrip.  Emu is soon to be releasing a Command 
Station version of the
Proteus 2500 called the PX-7, basically the same as the other two except 
it comes stock with the
Proteus 2500 sound ROM instead of the Extreme Lead or the Mo' Phatt sound 

     Each groovebox has its strengths and weaknessness.  Know what you 
want in a groovebox and
then look for the one that does it the best.  Kinda like loopers in that 
regard...  :)


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