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Re: EDP cost/promotion/etc and some figures for thought

No apology needed, but thank you.  Let us never speak of this again!

How about the one that already seems to have taken hold?  Glitchcore!  
It's a winner IMO.  Does it totally describe everything you do?  NO.  
However, it's a catchy easy to remember phrase, and that's way more 
important for getting your stuff out there.  After a gig a friend who'd 
never seen me said, "Oh you kind of remind me of Electro-Fleetwood Mac" 
  What!!?  I don't know if any of you have heard my music, but I can't 
imagine how anyone could come up with that, and I don't even like 
Fleetwood Mac all that much and surely have never listened to them all 
that much.  Anyway, I knew by the way he said it that he liked 
Fleetwood Mac and this was a complement.  I smiled and said thank you.  
He came to my show, so how could I be mad?

I just thought of something that happened at work recently.  One of our 
clients, a huge biotech company, needed a logo to match the word we had 
come up for their campain: Momentum.  The logo that they picked was 
pretty attractive, however, IMO, it showed "Momentum" the worst of all 
the logos we showed them.  I didn't take it personally, we gave them 
the logo they wanted and took their money.

I guess what I'm saying is that sometimes the labels come from your 
audience, and you pretty much have little choice but to sit back and be 
glad that people are thinking enough about you to call what your doing 

Mark Sottilaro

On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 01:12 AM, Andre LaFosse wrote:

>   In the event
> that you think up a better/catchier/more intriguing label for what I 
> do, I'd be happy to hear it...