see elsewhere for the pedal info- but to reiterate, it is possible to use any reasonable volume pedal, but you may have to reverse the tip and ring connections to make it work.
I don't know the mx12/4... but it sounds to me like you've got the mics routed to the aux /pre-fade/; this would explain why the signal still goes to the dl4 when the fader is pulled down for a particular mic.
in this configuration, the mix control on the dl4 should be fully c/w (i.e. no direct signal).
I don't quite follow why you'd use two inputs on the dl4 anyway, unless they are being fed from separate aux sends... if you're not using one of the genuine stereo algorithms, there's no point.
if the dl4 is returned up another channel on the desk, you can still make the repeats louder than the original sound just by whacking the fader up higher... but the only way to get rid of the dry sound altogether is to use the aux send in prefade mode.... and if you do that, then you can't use the desk's faders to control the balance of mic signals going to the dl4.
what little information I could find about the structure of this desk suggests to me that the two auxes are hard-wired so that one is permanently pre-fade and the other is post-fade. try using the other one.... maybe someone else can confirm this.
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