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Samplers (was Re: euro?american grovebox

I've thought about samplers for years, but I'm not sure if they're for 
me... I'm not sure why.  I do know that I try to spend a lot less time 
screwing around with sounds than I used to.  I swear I used to sit down 
with my Korg DW8000 and tweak until I passed out.

I can't do that any more.  I'm more apt to buy a unit that I think has 
a lot of interesting or usable sounds and go from there.  Some tweaking 
here and there, but a lot of my sounds are stock.  With guitar, it's 
less so.  I think I made a decision years ago that I could go on the 
sound design route or try to spend more of my time doing music.  Of 
course, I tend to fool with sounds a lot using effects, so they often 
don't end up very stock.

So samplers always seem like a lot of work to me.  I have a friend who 
brought over a Roland groovebox-sampler and I hated it.  In the time it 
took us to sample and tweak the loops I could have made 10 cool loops 
with my ROMpler based device.  Sure, it's less flexible, but maybe the 
limitations are good.  For me at least.


On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 11:57  AM, Legion wrote:
> Idea: Not an all-in-one but what about a sampler? You would never run 
> out of sounds be they world or otherwise and pretty much every sampler 
> has tons of free support on the web these days.