Hi all, It's me again. I just peeked behind the lid of my rack for the first time since a big gig I did a few weeks back and what do you know, the little "cap" on the input knob on one of my Plexes is missing -- you know the one with the indicator mark on it so you can tell the knob's position at a distance. I was wondering who the supplier of the original part was so I could just buy another. While I'm at it I'll try RadioShack -- seems like a fairly generic knob. But you never know with these things. Previously I've purchased replacement switches for the footcontroller from Mouser Electronics but their catalog doesn't have any knobs in it. So, I gotta look elsewhere. I just thought I'd try here first. Maybe someone has the inside scoop. tEd ® kiLLiAn http://www.mp3s.com/tedkillian http://www.pfmentum.com/flux.html http://www.CDbaby.com/cd/tedkillian http://www.guitar9.com/fluxaeterna.html