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Re: Groove Time Loop CD info!

hey rick i didn't know you were on Loopers' Delight!

a drummer in my band has your book. he likes your funk licks alot.

what kind of looping tools are you using?

i love track 27, disc I of your groove time cd. it's so funky! boom 
bada TCHACK bada BOM BOOM TCHACK. my friend Jim Schweigert used it on 
his smooth jazz disc. he's on mp3.com if you want to hear it.

On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 03:15  PM, Rick Latham wrote:
> Thanks for your email concerning my Groove Time Loop CD.  It's a great
> package and I'm sure you will find it very useful.
> You can use it with any hard disk digital audio software or stand alone
> sampler.
> Software such as Pro Tools, Logic Audio,Digital Performer, Cubase, 
> Acid,
> etc.
> The CDs are audio files so you can record them with any type of 
> recording
> software or hardware (Roland, Korg, Ensoniq, EMU etc.)
> You can also hear some samples of the loops on my site at
> http://www.ricklatham.com/cd.htm and you can hear some examples of the 
> loops
> in Acid at:
> http://www.ricklatham.com/acid.html
> I hope this answers some questions for you.
> Don't forget you can order on line with a credit card.
> All the best,
> Rick
> http://www.ricklatham.com
Eric Williamson