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Re: Maybe what we do is prog-rock! (funny content)
lucas you fucking CRACK ME UP! ha! indeed. yes joe z could have spent a
little more time with his sounds and a little less time encouraging jaco to
drink and drug. joe was one of the folks who could have made a difference
jp's untimly death. sliped between the cracks! yea km had some mojo going
but nobody could touch john lord of deep purple fame. IN YOUR FUCKING FACE
LUCAS! serious sound jesse ray, serious sound. see you in ny?
----- Original Message -----
From: Jesse Ray Lucas <jlucas@neoprimitive.net>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: Maybe what we do is prog-rock! (funny content)
> All the prog between '69 and '73 rules.
> Moorcock should have titled it, "Elric of Melodrama." He's much more
> than Tolkien. More on a level with H.P. Lovecraft (who's writing I love,
> incidentally). His pretentiousness fits right in with Hawkwind, and
> era prog rock.
> I'd like to see Keith Emerson's super fat synth patches in a fight
> Joe Zawinul's tinny warbly patches. Hahahahaha. Fuck you Zawinul. <cap
> cap>
> Excuse me if I just capped your hero.
> It was just a joke. Geez. You people are all so sensitive.
> -J
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Williamson" <erwill@suitandtieguy.com>
> To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 4:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Maybe what we do is prog-rock! (funny content)
> > On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 03:48 PM, mark wrote:
> > > Well, of course some of it is and some of it isn't but that's not my
> > > point. I just found this funny link and thought I'd share:
> >
> > argh.
> >
> > i had to stop reading after the dismissal of Michael Moorcock as a
> > "B-grade sci-fi author".
> >
> > the funny thing is, my current long-term project is a concept album
> > based on a short story by a contemporary of Moorcock.
> >
> > hahah....
> >
> > i may try to read the rest. it looks like once my hurt feeling subside
> > i may laugh for a bit.
> >
> > btw, Moorcock was in the SF movement, which was science fiction which
> > tried to distance itself from "sci fi", which by the sixties had come
> > to mean rockets and martians with ray guns. New Worlds magazine was the
> > major hangout for these late sixties scifi visionaries.
> > ---
> > Eric Williamson
> > www.suitandtieguy.com
> >