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Re: guitar synthesizers

on 6/14/03 2:11 AM, mark at mark@mark-red.com wrote:

> But... I also had a guitar synth years ago, it was a monophonic thing 
> Korg I forget the model-number, X something.and I hear it on OLD 
> Idid then, and I WANT IT BACK... I loved the mis-tracking on it! it was 
> cool, especially on the er...trumpet patch, it would be fine for a while
> then you held  anote and after a short moment it would swWOOOPP up an 
> and find a harmonic, gut often not THE harmonic... just any ole harmonic,
> then die with a weeeee-bang! And playing chords on it?...(its was
> monophonic) phew! man O' man, it was like Zorn meets Brotzman, squealing 
> stuff FANTASTIC, anyone got one they dont want??? SHIT im heading E-bay 
> RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Line6 FM4 
(http://www.line6.com/products.asp?ID=75&action=1&item=123&tp=0) does a
moderately good job at emulating a coughing, sputtering guitar synth. It's
even got a model of the X911 but with many fewer parameters.

I've got an FM4 that I'd part with for a reasonable price (I generally look
at 10% off of Prepal but I'll look at other approaches to determining 
plus shipping. It's an interesting sound mangler, it's foot switchable, 
solidly built, but I just don't tend to mangle my sounds in the way it's
built for.
