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Re: (other used synth/keyboard?) (was Re: Oxygen8 keyboard aftertouch?)

Heh, that is a good idea, but I'm hoping for something with aftertouch. 
  As an aside, I have a DJX beatbox that a friend gave me in leu of 
money owed.  I'm thinking of putting it on ebay, as I don't really have 
a use for it.  It's a kind of fun toy.  The sounds are actually not bad 
and the scratch thing is interesting.  It will sync to a midi clock as 
well.  It would be a great tone module for someone on a budget.

Mark Sottilaro

On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 02:25  AM, John Tidwell wrote:

> --- Mark Sottilaro <sine@zerocrossing.net> wrote:
>> Suggestions?
> I remember that some of the folks on the Analogue
> Heaven site were using the original Yamaha DJX
> as a controller for their rack synths. I seem to
> recall that the cheese factor of the product was
> overcome by its ability to send midi cc from its
> knobs, pitch wheel, & ribbon controller. It was also
> selling for under $200 at the time.
> John
> =====
> John Tidwell
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