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Re: (other used synth/keyboard?) (was Re: Oxygen8 keyboard aftertouch?)

Saw that Computer Music review.  Novation stuff has always been spendy. 
  Who knows, maybe it's the strength of the Euro or some weird trade 
thing.  On the inverse, it looks like the best thing out there.

Mark Sottilaro

On Monday, June 16, 2003, at 01:20  AM, Catilyne wrote:

> $399...WTF?!?  Hrm, I am seeing what you're talking about (and that's 
> discounted from the $599 list price).  What's not making sense is that 
> the British tech-rags are publishing its list price as 269 GB Pounds 
> in the reviews (cf. Computer Music, July 2003, for instance).  That 
> translates to a $450 US list -- almost $150 less than the 'list' at 
> the online shops.  I wonder if the reviews have a misprint, or if the 
> distributors/shops here in the States are being a bunch of greedheads.