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Re: essential loop recordings

--- Andre LaFosse <altruist@earthlink.net> wrote:
> I'm simply interested in knowing what it is about a
> particular work that someone feels is noteworthy or
> important to them - i.e., why is it "essential?" 

Absolutely; it's that sort of explanation that makes
us want to check the music out, not a list of names. I
don't want to start another 'dictionary' thread, but
it seems like some of us are reading 'essential' as
'definitive/archetypal', while others are seeing it
more in the sense of 'influential/formative'. They can
be very different things.

> It's nothing personal to Terry or anyone else - it's
> how we learn, right?

Sure. And you did compliment him a couple of times as
well. :-)
> So is his 1985 album "Entering The Silence" an
> Essential Loop Recording?  I dunno.

And it wasn't 'from the 90's' either. Re-reading his
original post I certainly understand (and agree with)
your questioning of the claims he makes, and nobody's
disagreeing with the examples you gave of looping
pioneers who'd been there already. But to defend what
I said, I do feel that if, as Terry claims, he was
completely unaware of anyone else using the techniques
he was using in '85, then the process of working these
things out for himself and recording an album
featuring those techniques WAS certainly influential
to his development as a looper. I don't necessarily
agree with him that he was among the first to do them,
or as alone in the field as he claims (heck, I myself
was looping before 1985), but by the criteria of the
last part of Kim's question, Terry's album does
warrant mention, even if it's for reasons personal to
him. I'm just pointing out that Kim is asking two
questions that, while they have a certain overlap,
really deal with different things. And like I said,
those two things (definitive/archetypal vs. personally
influential) are BOTH worthy of discussion, although
the two lists of albums characterizing them would
probably not be all that similar.


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