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Re: Suck because you're Looping ?
I seriously doubt that David Torn would be playing in
bands with people like Bill Bruford and Tony Levin, or
Terry Bozzio and Mike Karn if he couldn't play the
guitar well, or if he lacked self confidence in his
own ability to keep up with them.
I bought the videos because I liked his playing on
Cloud About Mercury.
Not everyone likes all of his work. I've seen people
on his own list slam Splattercell. He didn't care.
Most good musicians don't care at all what people who
criticise their work think of them. It usually says
more about the crtitic than the musician. They create
and play their music for the few (or many) people who
get what they are doing and like it.
To quote a great line King Crimson song:
(I think the quote was from a shrink to a musician who
was letting critics get to him.)
"You can't please every one it's a natural fact, I
recommend a fifth of Jack Daniels and a bottle of
--- Squid Loop <tentacle_joe@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Tim Nelson <psychle62@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >It's funny; Terry states that the reason he
> >likes dt is because he's such a good guitarist. >
>Now the only person I've ever heard who has
> >said they *don't necessarily consider dt all
> >that great of a guitarist is dt himself
> I was never impressed with Torn's playing until > I
saw his Painting videos - He really shows his > talent
there but I find a lot of what he does
> with like B.L.U.E not very impressive when you
> look at the straight guitar work. And I hate his >
wah sound =)
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