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EMU XL-7 thoughts?

speaking of the EMU XL-7...

any thoughts or reviews?
how easy is it sequence stuff in the studio?
how easy is it to sequence a beat LIVE?
i've heard it can/does crash-- any experience with this?
can it be trusted in the live setting?
how are the sounds?
a while back, someone mentioned it can be used as a live
MIDI looper, like a DL4 but for MIDI-- is this true? is it
easy to do and use?
how is it for a control surface feeding into other

i'm seriously considering one. I want to use it primarily
for (1) simple MIDI drum controller for Cubase on the PC,
(2) live MIDI looper (3) LIVE drum machine (if possible,
i'd like to program beats live), (4) static drum machine
(pre-programmed beats), and (5) another synth module. I was
considering the Akai MPD16 just for a drum pad controller,
but with the ultra-low price on the XL-7 I'm thinking why
not get so much more features for not a whole lot more

FYI, at my Guitar Center (I work at GC in Crestwood, MO)
XL-7 has a guaranteed low price of $449, killer deal.

but, i've heard they can be buggy.

thoughts? thanks in advance!


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