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Re: Eberhard's intonation...

Depends on the musician I guess.  I've never been in a situation like Jesse Ray Lucas (I believe it was he) says he was in, so I can't really speak personally to the argument that the lines will save you if you had to sit out an 8-bar break, then had to come in right on cue, right on pitch.

David Beardsley <db@biink.com> wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Paolo Valladolid

If a violinist is marking off his fretboard for the 17th harmonic,
he couldn't have been much of a violinist to start with.
The 17th harmonic so close to 12 tone equal temperament,
it ain't even funny. Just play a m2 and push it a hair sharp until
it resonates.

As for fret lines: I guess it's lot to ask musicans to listen, eh?

* David Beardsley
* microtonal guitar
* http://biink.com/db

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