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Re: where to compress?

>hi all, just looking for some opinions on where is the
>best place in my chain to compress.  i am using a bass
>through a mini Q-tron > moogerfooger MF101 > TS9 (tube
>screamer) > volume pedal > 2 repeaters. 
>i was thinking that compression would be best after
>the MF101 since the 101 and Q-tron are dynamic
>sensitive effects. 
So is your distortion pedal. If you put the compression before the distortion, you'll 'even out' the tone that you get from your distortion, since the energy of the signal will become more constant. This can be a good or bad thing - depending on the tone you are looking for, and how you want the distortion to respond to volume of your playing, and the sounds you are getting from your envelope filters.
Since a compressor is, by definition, a dynamicly sensitive device itself, if you put the compressor after your volume pedal, you'll get a sudden drop off when the volume is dropped belw the compressors threshold. I can't think of many uses for this.
> i've been playing around with the
>chain, but was just looking for some ideas or

You could also place the compressor after everything, on a light setting. This would all the parts a bit easier to hear in a live setting, when subtle dynamics would be lost anyway.
http://www.groovetronica.com - "The beats are ok, I suppose, but the vocals sound like the vintage jazz singers from my dad's record collection. It's not for me."
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: where to compress?

In a message dated 6/30/03 12:22:34 PM Eastern Daylight Time, evanmeyers@yahoo.com writes:

hi all, just looking for some opinions on where is the
best place in my chain to compress

i know very little about compression and i have been wanting to learn more about it.....anyone care to explain how it's used in their live looping system.....michael