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Re: where to compress?

> so evan, are you saying that a compressor put after
> a filter fx (electrix filter factory) will tame the 
> effect from those awful volume changes.....now that 
> would be wonderful.....michael

as far as my understanding of compression...you bet! 
i have a filter factory and i'll have to try it out
with the compressor after it in the signal chain, but
essentially, the compression evens everything out.  it
boosts your lower signal sounds and cuts your extreme
sounds.  granted it won't be totally even, but the way
it works is that once you hit a note...if it is above
your set threshold, it will increase 1 db for ever 5
db and so on.  so if your effect raises the volume by
20 dbs with this kind of ration, you are looking at a
jump of only 4.  but this is also where you encounter
those squished sounding compressions.  it is very
tough to use compression effectively with extreme
volume changes...and i've rarely seen anyone do it
perfectly.  but ideally, yes...you can save your
speakers from your filter factory with a compression
unit after the ff and before your speaker.

thanks for all of the help thus far!

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