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Re: [LOOP] frippery - the improper noun

On Sat, 26 Jul 2003, JAMES FOWLER, III wrote:

> just for shits:
> in PASTE magazine #5, an interview with pete yorn.  while discussing 
> the usage of loops and various electronic devices in the recording 
> process, the magazine states "Yorn wanted to keep things real in the 
> studio and not rely on audio frippery to get his point across."
> apparently, frippery is making its way into the lexicon.

Heh. Taking you way too seriously for a moment, 

lists the etymology of "frippery" as:
"Etymology: Middle French friperie, alteration of Old French freperie, 
from frepe old garment
Date: 1568"

Now, I don't wish to deny Robert Fripp's early influence on looping, but I 
somehow doubt he was playing in the court of King Charles IX of France in 
1568 :). 

Steve Burnett
Subscape Annex
(we have a show tonight in Raleigh, NC: follow the link for details 
if you're in the neighborhood and interested)