Or maybe an Alesis AirSynth? <http://www.alesis.com/products/airsynth/> -t- --- John Tidwell <wedgehed@yahoo.com> wrote: > Did it look like this? > http://www.frostwave.com/spacebeam/index.html > --- James Lanpheer <jlanpheer@earthlink.net> wrote: >...this majik little red box on a stand. > > ...about the size of your standard > > Boss stompbox, more or less. He'd wave his hand > > somewhere near the little red box and it would > > generate some sort of basic raw sine wave or > > something. > > Anyone know what my vague description might be > > referring to? __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com