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Good luck mate - ever on the UK mainland?

> Well the time has (finally) come for me to head off stateside with
> Drums of Ireland - we leave on Thursday AM but I've so much to do between
> now and then that I'll not have much time to be online.  Kids are being
> dispatched today - YAY :)
> If anybody is around for any of the gigs listed below, let me know and
> see if I can organise tix etc
> Different Drums of Ireland material is a mixture of full-fat,
> celtic and selected traditional / folk songs from N Ireland. I am 
> my DL-4 as we had talked about trying some live looping of the 
> (Split feed from the mics on the uilleann pipe/whistle, bodhran and main
> to a wee folio desk) but we haven't had a chance to rehearse that.  I'll
> bring the pedal just in case we get a soundcheck with a decent amount of
> free time afterward to check it out.
> The band website is at http://www.differentdrums.co.uk .
> The dates are:
> Al Ringling theatre Baraboo WI (9th),
> Studio hall Oshkosh WI (10th),
> Lake Superior, Big Top Chautauqua, WI,(13th) and
> Calumet theatre, Calumet MI (15th)
> These are followed by 5 days at Boulder Junction in contract and creative
> discussion regarding a substantial 2005 project.
> I'd love to see any of you at a gig and the chance of a beer or a coffee
> afterwards or
> before is always a distinct possibility.  If you can give me a bit of
> I'll see if I can organise tickets etc if there aren't hundreds of ya 
> I'll be able to receive mail intermittently on the road but its best if
> use touring(at)powerhaus.net so I can sort that from the spam.
> I was out on the town on Friday with some of the guys from the Afro Celt
> Sound System who have just returned from the US so they've me all fired
> Thursday can't come quickly enough, LOL
> Regards all and hope to see some of you this weekend and at the gigs
> Keep her lit!!
> Paul
> ----------------------
> Paul Marshall
> Portfolio Sound Artist
> http://www.powerhaus.net
> http://www.drumdojo.com
> http://www.differentdrums.co.uk
> NI Facilitator for the Da Capo Foundation
> www.dacapo.co.uk
> Drumdojo Recommended link For June 2003
> Percussion of Persia http://tinyurl.com/ddbg