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RE: Starbucks Serenade--DigiDelay by DigiTech is "Da Kine"

Title: RE: Starbucks Serenade--DigiDelay by DigiTech is "Da Kine"

So how did you utilize the 4 second looping? Rhythm and then solos? Did you tap out any percussion on the shell of the guitar?

Details man! Hahaha.


-----Original Message-----
From: Relay [mailto:relaydelayband@earthlink.net]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 4:06 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: RE: Starbucks Serenade--DigiDelay by DigiTech is "Da Kine"

Greg wondered:

What instruments did you play?

I bought one of those new Taylors with the expression pickup system--played that into the DigiDelay and out to a Minivox by Anchor Audio.  It sounded pretty good!  Had to boost the lows and cut the highs all the way on the Taylor to get the best sound tho--those Minvoxes are *not* very full range. Ahm smahlin, Gary