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RE: cynics vs. clinics (re: Repeater pitch shift)


Don't know about any video yet released but Andre LaFosse is up to one
on the EDP, I've heard. There are a lot of informative texts on
different looping techniques at his web site

The Swedish Television is working on a documentary on live looping to be
broadcasted in a month or two. I'll post in online then. They filmed
some duo improvisations this summer with me and Matthias Grob and also
did separate personal interviews. I had to speak in Swedish but Matthias
did it all in English. But I guess this video will be more about the
philosophy of  improvisation than straight technical matters. 

>From the same tour I posted a bunch of sound clips with included
"loopist notes" that refer to different looping techniques being
performed by different musicians during a  group improvisation. Looping
devices used in the examples are the EDO, the Repeater and Reason

Best wishes

Per Boysen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Evan Meyers [mailto:evanmeyers@yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 2:40 AM
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: cynics vs. clinics (re: Repeater pitch shift)
> is there a listing somewhere of what materials are
> available to guide and assist new loopers (aka
> videotapes or clinics)?  where can one find some
> helpful advice on the best (known) ways to work with
> the loopers to create interesting sounds?
> just curuios...
> evan
> > did do a short clinic at the last Loopfest in Santa
> > Cruz that I believe was
> > video taped, and I know at least one person was
> > filming my clinic at
> > Loopstock II, perhaps someone might come forward
> > (Hans, are you in the
> > house?) and for a few sheckles to cover expenses,
> > dub you a copy and send
> > it to you. I'll check with Rick, as well, to see who
> > filmed the Santa Cruz
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