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FW: EDP Feedback Pedal

I use a bespeco VM14L which works ok.
Its specs say that the potentiometer has a resistance of 22 kOhm.
When googling it, it appears to be mostly used in Europe, not so much in 
US. But the Salesperson told me that it's the same as the Boss FV50L.

BTW, I appreciate that the EDP assigns the volume pedal to the input volume
in the Delay Mode. This allows you to do "swells into the delay line" as 
manual puts it. I'd been trying to this before and ended up with a solution
that required an additional mixer. It works fine. But now, the EDP does it
for me without other additional gear. Swell.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: redrum123 [mailto:redrum123@worldnet.att.net]
> Sent: Dienstag, 19. August 2003 23:22
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: EDP Feedback Pedal
> I'm thinking of splurging and picking up a pedal for the
> feedback/input/output volume aspect of the EDP.  Any
> recommendations/reviews?  Any hint as to what kind of pedal it actually
> needs (I have no idea)?
> I'm also interested in getting a pedal for the Parameters button.  Any
> information?
> peace
> -gsc.