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Re: The Spirit of Live Music

Heheheh i hope this isn't another monster.....
Obviously the music is the important thing - that is what i was trying to get across, but if i saw something advertised as a 'loop show' i would expect to see the looping done, sorry if i was unclear on this. I agree with you it doesn't have to be obvious, maybe it the 'technical' side of my brain kicking in .......... I was always one of those kids that had to get my toys in peices to see how it worked, i guess some things never change.
----- Original Message -----
From: "| SquidLoop |" <squidloop@thetentacle.org>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: RE: The Spirit of Live Music

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: David Swain [mailto:d.swain@blueyonder.co.uk]
> >Personally i have nothing against 'canned loops', it all depends how
> and >why there are being used.
> >A loop show is a different thing (IMHO) to a 'non-loop show' (for what
> of a >better term), at a 'loop show' i expect to see he loops being
> recorded, >built up, modified - whatever. That is part of the point and
> attraction >!!!!
> "Part of the point and attraction" ???  - What about just MUSIC being
> the point and attraction?
> At the risk of starting another, what is loop music thread - Why does a
> "loop" show have to be about somebody putting the loops together - and
> does the audience really need to be aware of this?
> If I were not a musician that incorporates loops into my performances,
> and I went to a show to see somebody like Rick Walker I don't think I
> would be concerned with what you call the attraction to a "loop show" -
> I would be going to the show to listen to some fine MUSIC.
> My foggy point is - A "loop show" is the same thing as a "non loop"
> show: it's all music, performed by musicians.
> I hope I didn't just create a new monster on LD :)