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Re: Looping with other musicians, new tools=new results

If everyone's supposed to be keeping time for themselves, why is it so 
particularly important for the drummer to be able to hear the loop?


On Saturday, August 30, 2003, at 09:30 PM, 
Loopers-Delight-d-request@loopers-delight.com wrote:

> Subject: Re: Looping with other musicians, new tools=new results
>> <tiktok@sprintmail.com> wrote:
>>> That's one school of thought.  The other school of
>> thought (that the
>>> drummer has the primary [not sole] responsibility
>> of keeping time for the
>>> rest of the band) has many more adherents, at
>> least in North America.
> What hasn't been mentioned in as much depth is the
> fact that no matter which member of the band is the
> primary timekeeper, it is absolutely essential that
> the drummer is provided with a decent monitor system.
> The only real problems I've had in looping with a
> drummer have come when the drummer wasn't able to hear
> the loops well enough...