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Re: Using computers as a Live Looper - software alternatives

Dear Per,
THANKS a lot for your quite informative answer.  Its really interesting to hear various views and experiences, so I hope my posting gets some other quality responses.
A couple questions:

>All software lack "overdub layering sound-on-sound into a
>spinning loop" features.
The really promising one seems to be Ambiloop:
Unfortunately, I have an old sound card for my desktop, so the latency is too slow to rythmic stuff.  Also I have to do some MIDI mapping so I can control it without using my hands.  This software is still developing, and seems that we should really encourage the developers!
However, I think many of the software like Reaktor basically let you build your own instruments, and so developing looping applications should be possible.  People seem to have done this with KYMA, but that software requires expensive external hardware to run.
>"to cut in/out different note values to create rhythms"
What do you mean by that?
>Ableton Live is pretty close, but it is still lacking both "overdub/layering into a loop" and >"cutting note value slices out of/into a loop".
So Ableton will let you capture the live audio and loop it (live), but then not overdub onto it?  If not, can you just keep adding new tracks on the fly?
Thanks again!

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