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Re: EDP sync issues

At 08:30 PM 2/9/2004, Jesse Ray Lucas wrote:
>I heard talk on this list that during Overdub operations the EDP is not
>listening to MIDI Clock sync messages, so if you leave it in Overdub for 
>extended period it may drift out of time.

that is correct. same with leaving feedback turned down, or leaving it in 
delay mode. In order to prevent glitches and artifacts from getting into 
the loop, the Echoplex can't make sync corrections during those times. 
Every now and then you need to turn overdub off for a cycle or two until 
you see the sync correction LED.

I believe this is in the manual.

>What I do is to keep a MIDI controller handy that is capable of sending 
>ReAlign command to the EDP, which restarts the loop at the next MIDI clock
>cycle point.  That is, the next bar line (assuming your sequencer or 
>is in 4/4, and you have 8th/Cycle set to 8).  After I do a long overdub, I
>just send a ReAlign message and provided the MIDI Clock isn't being really
>wobbly that day, the EDP usually syncs back up just fine.
>There may be a way to access this command from the front panel, as well.
>Can't remember.  I just have a button on my foot controller set to send 



Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com