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RE: making the switch from Repeater to Ableton Live

  I will on occasion use a CFC to store loops that I created using internal
memory, However I find that if I try to record to CFC directly, 
if I'm trying to replace loops, That clock noise is unavoidable. I found
this out after I performed at NAMM a couple of years ago, and realized to 
horror that everything I laid down ,(other than the initial beatbox stuff I
had prerecorded using internal memory, and then dumped to CFC), had the
hideous wheezy ticky ticky s**t of which you speak. Fortunately, there is
such a tremendous noise floor at the NAMM that no one seemed to notice!  A
work around for that, if you absolutely need to create very long loops is 
always use a blank, or reformated CFC card.  If you need to use prerecords,
dump your stuff if possible back in to internal memory if you wish to
overdub or re-record material. This will avoid the dreaded tick tick tick.
My theory is that the clock noise may have something to do with the
re-writing of a CFC but I'm probably way off base. I just know that when I
do my writing using internal memory first, and then dumping to CFC, I have
viritually no  CFC related problems. When I first got the repeater, I
thought, Wow, with a big CFC card, I can create really long loops. Then I
realized that was'nt that important to me because I tend to think and write
in 1, 2 or 4 bar phrases, and that I was'nt really interested in having a
lot of prerecord stuff on CFC, At least not for my creative playing. It 
seemed to me to be too canned sounding.  My brother Rick and I have been
doing an annual awards show for that last few years in Santa Cruz, and the
RPTR has been  invaluable for that. Because its just the two of us acting 
pit orchestra, the RPTR has allowed us to create a full band sound with the
use of CFC tracks I created to compliment the various awardees. One 
on the RPTR that I have come to use more and more is the replace feature. I
find it works best if I have one track as my dedicated beatbox or rhythmn
track , so when I'm replacing another track I have a tempo guide. This
feature is key for me, as it allows me to really change directions by
continually replacing tracks as suits my whim. The added bonus is replace
does'nt seemed to use up memory like overdubing or adding a new track does.
I have a preset that toggles between overdub and replace on My FCB1010,
right next to my record preset switch.

Highly recommended.
-----Original Message-----
From: Catilyne [mailto:catilyne@icicle.net]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 5:21 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: RE: making the switch from Repeater to Ableton Live

At 04:55 PM 6/21/2004, William Walker wrote:
>Lastly any  digital noise I had was cured by running the rptr in the
>loop of a mixer and engaging the input mute function. All of the noise and
>latency related garbage was cleaned up by doing this.

Bill, do you mean that running the Repeater in your effects loop also
eliminated the clock noise that occasionally shows up while recording
directly to the CFC card?  Or do you not even take advantage of that


"i want to reach my hand into the dark and *feel* what reaches back"