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Re: EDP Stopped taking MIDI commands.

At 05:54 PM 7/3/2004, John Metzler wrote:
>I have 2 EDP's being controlled with MIDI by an MPC 1000.  I have 1 EDP 
>receiving on Ch.1 sent from track one of a sequence and the other EDP on 
>Ch.2 receiving it's messages from track 2 of the sequence.
>Yesterday everything worked fine.  I didn't change anything, even
>after tripple checking it all seems to be where it should be.  But now 
>2 doesn't see any in coming messages but still syncs to Beat Clock.

when you say "Beat Clock" I assume you mean MIDI clock?

If it can receive MIDI clock, then it is receiving MIDI fine. The problem 
isn't the Echoplex, it must be something else in your setup. Are all the 
MIDI parameters in the Echoplex set as you expect? To me it sounds like 
MIDI channel is wrong. Or maybe you changed the ControlSource or Source# 
parameters by accident.

>Does this sound like a broken EDP?

no, doesn't sound like it. If it were broken no MIDI would be received.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com