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Re: [LOOP] Re: [LOOP] RE: Zvex Effects Inquiry

Is it just me or does the lack of overdub just a total deal breaker 
with a piece of gear like this?  You want lo-fi looping?  Get a Line6 
Delay Pro and sync it to a midi clock.  After the first few iterations 
you'll be getting some  pretty cool grungy delays.  At first I thought 
it was just a cool mode it was in, then I realized it happened on all 
the models and cleared up when it was not getting a MIDI clock.


On Jul 6, 2004, at 3:36 PM, burnett@pobox.com wrote:

> On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 stanitarium@earthlink.net wrote:
>>> On Tue, 6 Jul 2004 goddard.duncan@mtvne.com wrote:
>>>>>> .....and Lo-Fi Loop Junky.....<<
>>>> I had to go & read about this one (http://www.zvex.com/junky.html)
>>>> because it appears to be looping hardware which, so far as I can 
>>>> recall,
>>>> hasn't been discussed by any users on this list yet.
>>> Every few months someone asks on this list about it, and so far as I
>>> recall I'm the only person to ever respond with a "yes, I've got 
>>> one".
>>> best,
>>> Steve B
>> i got 1 too...and i luv mine!
> Brother!
>> i wouldnt call it lacking in anuyway-itiswotitis and it duz wot it 
>> says it
>> will do-no more and no less.
>> snat
> best,
> Steve B
> Phasmatodea     http://www.phasmatodea.net/
> Subscape Annex  http://www.subscapeannex.com/