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Two Mules For Sister Sara

Since Spaghetti Westerns were mentioned recently on this list, has any one
seen this film, with Clint Eastwood and Shirley MacLaine?  The score is by
Ennio Morricone, with a few incredible sounds for 1970.  I didn't see it
back then, but watched it last evening.

There are some at the opening of the film which sounded somewhat distorted,
and out of tune, and I was wondering whether the film was downloading and
streaming OK, or if there was some problem with my studio sound system.
However, it turns out that, that part of the score is a recurring motif, so
it was probably the way it was recorded.

Anyway, the critics are all over on this film, but I feel it's worth
watching and listening to more than once.  You can download it for $1.99 at
Movie Link.

