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RE: Echoplex questions for beginners

This is possible by setting the tempo with TempoSelect--press Undo with
Sync=Out.  Tempo LEDs will flash, you can then change the tempo with the
feedback knob, and fine tune it with Insert and Mute.  A short press on 
then locks the tempo; a long press exits this state.
Dunno if the loop will then exit recording at the end, but it definitely
sets the length--
And of course the trigger function is available to begin recording when
audio is introduced to the EDP.


From: Tom Rex  wrote: 

I'm trying to do something with the Echoplex that I can do with  the Fantom
S.   With the  Fantom S, you just set your tempo, and the length of your
loop, and it starts recording when you play your 1st note, and goes into
overdub at the end of the 1st loop .

I assume that this is a  possibility with the latest Echoplex software? Can
someone please point me to where it discusses how to do this in the
documentation.  Thank you very much!
